Friday, October 9, 2009

Studies show that we received 56% of our energy from the air we breath!! More than from water and food combined.

This product produces the ozone and anion can repidly eliminate the car insides'soot, peculiar smell, and have force sterilization.

Your vehicle is a haven for airborne contaminants, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke and bacteria.

The Air Purifier and Ionizer bombards your vehicle's interior with negatively-charged ions. These negative ions attract pollutants such as pollen, dust, cigarette smoke and even vaporized substances such as exhaust fumes.

This effect makes the negative ions grow in size and fall to the ground; taking the pollutants out of your way, removing odors and leaving your vehicle interior smelling fresh and clean.

To use, simply plug into your cigarette lighter socket - and enjoy a fresher environment. A faint light at the end of the ionizer is your assurance that your ionizer is functioning.

PRICE: USD 29.80

By emitting negative ions, it benifits for:
Increases chi (life energy) Natural anti-depressant
Improves Wellness Positive attitude
Improves mental alertness Prevent respiratory-related illnesses
Relieve fatigue Eliminates allergens
Reduces stress levels Relief from sinus

1. The anoin is called "in the air of Vitamin", is beneficial to the human's health
2. Purification blood improve the breath skill
3. Promotion metabolism
4. The adjustment internal secretion,relaxes the strain mood.
5. Has the best medicine function, and can effectively reduces the cough, sneezes, asthma's incidence of a disease

Technical specification:
1. Working voltage: +12V
2. Ozone density: 3mg/h
3. Anoin density: >=60 million/CM
4. Operating current: <60ma size="2">

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